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Course information

-Course Information-

​Mentor course

●Mentor course

We define a mentor as "a rare close friend whose mere presence gives you a sense of security."

In this course, with the aim of developing mentors, participants will learn the skills to organize their thoughts using a unique method that encompasses counseling, coaching, and mentoring, which are skills that exist independently.

You will also acquire the ability to manage yourself in a way that is appropriate to the future that you and those around you are aiming for.

Course fee: 99,000 yen (tax included), 10 sessions

H2Os Program

●H2Os Program

The H2Os Program is the world's most advanced human resource development program that harmonizes with future goals.

From the perspectives of neurology, cognitive psychology, quantum mechanics, electronics, and religious studies, the program delves into and organizes each of the values established by one's own memory, as everything stems from memory.

You will then understand yourself, learn how to clarify and set our destination, and develop a pure and transparent mentality like water that is in accordance with your own goals and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances to create a strong and vital new self. It is also suitable for developing top leaders who lead others and building the foundation of an organization.

Course fee: 132,000 yen (tax included) for 3 days

"Certified Mentor" qualification course

●Certified Mentor qualification course

Mentors can provide consultation services and human resource development in all kinds of workplaces as specialists of the mind. Certified Mentors can enhance the independence of organizational members, improve teamwork, solve problems, and create an organization that can achieve its goals.


Requirements: Apply for all 10 sessions of the Mentoring course and the H2Os program as a set, and upon completion, you will be issued a certificate as a "Certified Mentor".

"Certified Mentor" Specialist Course

●"Certified Mentor" Specialist Course

After obtaining the Certified Mentor certification mentioned above, you can also move on to the Specialist Course to further improve your skills. The Specialist Course allows you to gain practical experience through the course and become an immediate asset as a mentor in any field. Please contact us for more details.

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Ⓒ2024 Wakeners General Incorporated Foundation

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